Jean Monnet memoires

Memoires – Jean Monnet


Jean Monnet, by giving us  his  Memoirs , allows us to understand  how he always ally  thought and action, and put his determination at the service of a simple idea: “Peace and prosperity can only be ensured by the union of men.  »

Prefaces by Emmanuel MACRON and Ursula VON DER LEYEN – Afterword by Eric ROUSSET

History places Jean Monnet among the few men of the 20th century who, through their action, influenced the destiny of the world and transformed our living conditions.

His Memoirs, which have become a reference work for many decision-makers, reveal the prodigious adventure of a man whose action has been decisive at each major crossroads in contemporary history: First World War, birth of the League of Nations, Second World War , American commitment against Nazism, creation in Algiers of the National Liberation Committee, reconstruction of France. But it is his decisive role in the construction of a united Europe that more deeply defines the heritage of the man who is commonly nicknamed “the father of Europe”.

The Memoirs of Jean Monnet make it possible to understand why and how this Charentais for whom thought and
action have always gone hand in hand, has, throughout his life, put his unshakeable determination at the service of a simple idea: “Peace and prosperity can only be ensured by the union of men. »

Co-ordinator of the Allied war effort during the two world conflicts, Jean Monnet was First Deputy Secretary General of the League of Nations, Commissioner General of the Plan, President of the European Coal and Steel Community, and founder of the Comité of action for the United States of Europe. He rests in the Pantheon.

  • PUBLICATION: 04/13/2022
  • PAGES: 664SIZE: 129 x 205 mm
  • COLLECTION: Plural
  • PRICE including VAT: €16.00
  • EAN: 9782818506738
